嘉实多Longtime PD00长寿润滑脂
特性: Castorl Longtime PD 00,PD0,PD1,PD2是款通用的不含固体润滑剂的耐特压润滑脂,长效润滑,适用于各种应用范围,内含MICROFLUX TRANS?添加剂,提供了优异的抗磨损和低摩擦系数,即便在极压,振动,冲击荷重,高速或低速及变化的摩擦表面也能很好的润滑。特性: 1.减少前期跑合周期,适用于终身润滑。 2.显著的承载能力。 3.显著的减少摩擦系数,可以达到节能效果。 4.在高负荷时适宜的抗磨性能。 5.减少噪音等级。 6.优异的防锈性能,很大程度上防止摩擦腐蚀。 7.与各种常规的密封材料及非铁金属兼容, 8.中央润滑系统泵送性能优异 9对冷热水的抵抗力强温度:-35度-+140度
Description:Castrol Optitemp RB 1嘉实多RB1凡士林润滑脂
OPTITEMP™ RB 1 is a light-beige special grease based on polyalphaolefins for the lubrication of cables in robots.
· Lifetime lubrication of cables
· Easy application (manual or with spraying gun) due to the soft structure of the product
· OPTITEMP RB 1 guarantees an easy, low-friction shifting and sliding of cables at rails, walls and of insulating
plastic tubes
· Grease-lubricated sliding surfaces
· Temperature application range: - 30°C/- 22°F to + 130°C/+ 266°F
· OPTITEC™ - OPTIMOL technology
· compatible with elastomers and plastics such as PUR, PVC, Polyester, used in modern robots
due to a high number of different elastomer qualities we recommend compatibility test with original elastomers
· no impairment if in contact with two-component sliding lacquers, top coat RAL。嘉实多Longtime PD00长寿润滑脂。