克鲁勃Klubersynth EL 42-32润滑脂
Klubersynth EL 42-32是一个动态的全合成润滑脂。工作温度范围*约。 - 50° C至150 ° C。 Klubersynth EL 42-32在常规润滑脂相比,并没有成为糊状的热负荷下, 其流量限制不增加。相反,这种油脂变得有点柔和,从而防止磨损颗粒和灰尘的润滑剂糊状。润滑是保证在一段较长的时间内。
产品良好的耐老化,其优异的耐腐蚀和抗磨损保护,是理想的长期和终身润滑剂。与Klubersynth EL42-32润滑机元素实现即使在非常低的温度非常低的启动和运行转矩。
英文说明:Klubersynth EL 42-32 is a dynamically light, fully synthetic lubricating grease. The service temperature range* is approx. – 50 °C to 150 °C. In contrast to conventional greases, Klubersynth EL 42-32 does not become pasty under thermal load, and its flow limit is not increased. Instead, this grease becomes a little softer, thus preventing wear particles and dust from making the lubricant pasty. Lubricity is ensured for a longer period. The products good ageing resistance and its excellent corrosion and wear protection make it an ideal long-term and lifetime lubricant. Machine elements lubricated with Klubersynth EL 42-32 achieve very low starting and running torques even at very low temperatures.
克鲁勃Klubersynth EL 42-32润滑脂